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John J Peterson

Website Wizards: Session 11

Updated: May 11, 2024

Session 11:

  • Understanding The Power Of Video Content

  • How to record a video

  • Video editing software

  • Class Activity: Create a video about your product/service


Activity: Create a video about your product/service

  • Create a 2 to 5-minute video of yourself introducing who you are, where you are from, what your interests/skills are, and how you can help your audience, and maybe give a little demonstration. Use Your CELL Phone OR Laptop Camera!

  • OR…. Create a video of your marketing/introducing your business/product

  • Partner up with someone so they can hold the phone when you are ready to record.

  • Make some notes if necessary before you start recording, and practice multiple times to make sure your recording is just right!

  • Post your video to your website/blog.


Video Transcription

The Power Of Video Content

If a picture tells a thousand words, then a video tells a thousand pictures. Videos are incredibly powerful and can exponentially grow your business if done correctly. If your business relays information of any kind, think for a second about how you can transform your content into a video format.

People respond better to visual stimulation. Our younger generations crave information and want to get it fast. Our brains are being conditioned to swipe to the next video or image. Most of us seek immediate gratification. How often do you stop to look at your friends' long-written text posts on Facebook? I’ll be honest, and I never do. I look at pictures and videos and then move on. How about you?

I’m going to show you how to find great free videos for your website but students offering video tutorials, lessons, and product reviews, will need to create their own videos. Recording your own videos can be challenging. I often need to do multiple takes/recordings to get it the way I like it. Don’t be too critical! If you mess up, no worries! You will improve with practice. People will also connect much better with you knowing that you are not perfect if you make a few mistakes.

Always be humble and don’t come off as a know-it-all because that tends to turn people away. Be honest, be funny, and thank your audience often for watching your videos! Don’t forget to tell your audience to “like” and “subscribe” to your videos.

How to Record a Video:

Cell Phone: Record your lessons/tutorials/messages with your phone.

Webcam: Record using your computer/laptop’s webcam.

OBS (Open Broadcasting Systems - Free Software - Used to capture/record your computer screen/monitor. You can record online tutorials/reviews for software or gaming demonstrations. You can also simultaneously record a video of yourself with your webcam (picture in picture) or just record your voice using your computer’s microphone.

Note: Most people use their cell phones.

A bright natural lighting environment is best for recording. Record a whole bunch of trials to check the lighting and the quality of the audio. Practice speaking about what you do and how you can help your customers. Practice makes perfect!

Don’t be afraid to make several mistakes through the process. The most successful people in the world are the ones who are not scared to fail time and again. Remember, this is a process. When you fail, get back up, dust yourself off, and try again. Unless you are a communication prodigy, expect to re-record often until you are comfortable with the results. And as I stated before, be authentic and allow for some minor mistakes in your videos. People will relate and connect with you even more.


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