Teen Online Business & Entrepreneurship
Print-On-Demand Merch Store
COURSE PAGE: https://emorysfall.wixsite.com/teenonlinebusiness
Or Visit The MAIN page www.eteenlab.com click on this image link....
Introduction to The E-Teen Lab Course
Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Mindset
Internet Safety First
Section 1: Business Exploration & Creation
Introduction To Niches
Niche Exploration
Print-On-Demand Business Model
Exploring 4 Other Business Models & Intro to Digital Marketing
Branding The Business - Name Creation
Creating Accounts - Online/Social Media Platforms
Developing A Business Plan and Setting Goals
Section 2: Content Creation and Marketing Strategies
Creating Quality Content & Implementing SEO Strategies
Start Building The New Print On Demand Business
Download The Course Completion Certificate!
Instructor Course Preparation Steps:
Create a CANVA PRO/EDU account: School Teachers, please create your own account here:: https://www.canva.com/education) (video: https://youtu.be/yc4B2ShRZc4). NON-School Teachers: Log in Canva with EMAIL (not Google). Eteenlab@gmail.com password: Eteen1234. (video: https://youtu.be/V0phh48JSWE)
Access this instructor’s guide: (read and follow through with students)
ICEBREAKERS: You may optionally use one of these at the beginning of each class...
MS/HS Entrepreneur Class Icebreakers
Medusa: Students stand in a circle. Countdown from 3, 2, 1, with all heads down & eyes closed. When counting reaches 1, all heads up to look towards someone. If 2 people are making eye contact, they are out. We can extend the game to 3 looks each. To spell the letters O.U.T.
Rock Paper Scissors Elimination: Students eliminate each other. Each student plays O.U.T. After each “play” players must switch opponents.
“Never Have I”: Set up a circle of chairs. The student standing in the middle of the circle calls out “Never have I ____________” . Anyone in the chairs who agrees (who has never______) will get up and try to find an empty chair. The student who was in the middle would find an empty chair. The one without a chair would go stand in the middle and the game starts again.
Movie Quotes: Each student says a famous movie quote. The other students will guess which movie it is from and get a point for each correct answer. Students may use Chromebooks to research quotes for their own ideas if needed. Students may not look up answers to others’ quotes.
Desert Island: If you had to spend a month on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring & why.
2 Truths And A Lie: Students need to guess the lie and will earn a point for each correct answer.
Speed Socializing: Create 2 circles…an inner circle and outer circle. The chairs face each other. Allow one minute to discuss a topic and then the outer circle moves one spot to the right. Students can create the topics. Examples: Best fast food restaurants. Are you a morning or night person and why? Share your worst fears. Name 3 things you each have in common. What would you do with a million dollars? Can you name all 10 commandments together? Name all the states in the US…collaboratively. What is your perfect career? Etc.
One Word Stories: Create a story. Each student contributes one word at a time. Create a theme/topic for the story.
"I Have Spoken": In a circle, students get the chance to say as much (or as little) as they want about anything in 20 seconds. At the end of their time, they say, "I have spoken," and everyone replies "Ho!" Then the turn passes to the next person in the circle.
Name Pictionary: Have students write their names (or make up names if the class already knows everyone) by drawing pictures of objects that start with the correct letter, either on paper or a whiteboard. For example, someone with the name Ann would draw an apple, a nose and a nest. Then, have the group try to spell and guess each person’s name.
Architect: Give the students a bunch of silly materials (paper, Post-it notes, strings, tape, wood, etc.) and then assign them to build small models of different objects in five-minute increments — an elephant, a car, etc. Pick a winner each time! Or Entrepreneurs can develop and build their own creations. (5-15 minutes).
Official Instructor Guide Introduction
Teen Entrepreneurship Online Business Course: Print-On-Demand
Welcome! We are so happy that you have decided to instruct this course and hope you have an amazing, educational, and fun experience with the students. We also hope you will learn how to build your very own eCommerce business. You’ll have the opportunity to learn, create, build, and earn alongside your students!
We created an instructor's guide, especially for you, including a script and lesson notes, to make it simple to guide students through the course. Feel free to engage the students often, laugh a lot, and insert your personality into each lesson. If you need answers to any questions, try Google! Even better, because this is an entrepreneur course, encourage your students to search the internet and share the answers with the class!
How Is The Course Formatted?
The first part of the course is information-heavy as students learn new and exciting concepts. As the course progresses, students will engage in more class activities and transition into independent creative work in class. The class first teaches the basics of entrepreneurship and internet safety protocols. Then students will identify their interests, business themes, name their business, and create NEW email/social media accounts to market their businesses. They will be introduced to the Print-On-Demand concept and how to best market their business using “keyword” and digital marketing strategies.
This course includes 9 sessions, HOWEVER, the sessions are not meant to be "CLASSES". Move through the content at your own pace. There is no rush to finish. Students will have full course access indefinitely. And remember...you don't need to teach anything. The course does the work for you.
Instructor Course Preparation Steps:
Create a CANVA PRO/EDU account: School Teachers, please create your own account here:: https://www.canva.com/education) (video: https://youtu.be/yc4B2ShRZc4). NON-School Teachers: Log in Canva with EMAIL (not Google). Eteenlab@gmail.com password: Eteen1234. (video: https://youtu.be/V0phh48JSWE)
Access this instructor’s guide: (read and follow through with students)
Bring your laptop to each class, follow the guide, have fun!
If you have any "course" questions please contact us at www.eteenlab.com or try to connect with us via CHAT on the POD Site! We wish you much success and we hope you have a MIND-BLOWING experience!
Minds In Motion of NJ LLC & The E-Teen Lab
Teen Course:
Click on The Print-On-Demand Course
Subscribe to the content (FREE)
Introduction to The E-Teen Lab Course
Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Mindset
Internet Safety First
Section 1: Business Exploration & Creation
Introduction To Niches
Niche Exploration
Print-On-Demand Business Model
Exploring 4 Other Business Models & Intro to Digital Marketing
Branding The Business - Name Creation
Creating Accounts - Online/Social Media Platforms
Developing A Business Plan and Setting Goals
Section 2: Content Creation and Marketing Strategies
Creating Quality Content & Implementing SEO Strategies
Start Building The New Print On Demand Business
Download The Course Completion Certificate!
LET’S Get Started. Session 1 is for the first class with students